New York Tech in Vancouver
This blog features news, events, student activities, and more from New York Tech’s Vancouver campus. For more information about Vancouver’s programs please visit nyit.edu/vancouver or contact us at vancouverinfo@nyit.edu.
Vancouver Week of Welcome
Student Life and the Graduate Student Association organized a Week of Welcome to welcome new and returning students to the Fall 2018 Semester. Students socialized and met with other students, staff members, and faculty members. Staff and faculty member also helped with the events.
Student Life and the Graduate Student Association also shared some of their upcoming planned activities for the semester. This included a hike organized by the Graduate Student Association at Lynn Canyon Park on September 15 and tickets to the BC Lions Football Game on September 22.
Student Life organized three Week of Welcome events:
September 4, Tuesday
On the first day of classes, Student Life offered free coffee and donuts in the morning. There were many flavours of donuts such as honey dip, maple dip, chocolate dip, honey cruller, and many more.
September 5, Wednesday
On the second day, Student Life gave out free ice cream in the afternoon. We offered different flavours of ice cream like vanilla, chocolate, and fruit sorbet. There were also many fun toppings like chocolate chips, sprinkles, and marshmallows.
September 6, Thursday
The third day was our first Blue Thursday where students, staff members, and faculty members are encouraged to wear blue NYIT shirts. The ice cream such a big hit on Wednesday, that Student Life gave out more free ice cream on Blue Thursday.
Not only the students but also every staff and faculty member from our campus enjoyed all the events. It was a successful Week of Welcome with collaboration from Student Life, the Graduate Student Association, and many staff and faculty members.
Week of Welcome was a great way to start the semester. Students were able to meet and interact with many members of the NYIT Vancouver Community.

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