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Unleashing Your Full Potential with Eric Adelman

Mar 12, 2024

The top-performing athletes across various sports rely on coaches for success. Similarly, in the business world, even accomplished entrepreneurs seek the guidance of coaches. A business coach plays a crucial role in addressing blind spots, fill in gaps, and guide clients toward success.

In this episode, host John Rebecchi (M.B.A. ’83), Ph.D., sat down with Eric Adelman, CEO and a Business Coach at Bigger Cup Consulting. Specializing in coaching for founders and entrepreneurs, Eric empowers his clients to confidently grow, scale and lead their businesses with intention.

When Adelman first started out in his entrepreneurial journey, he credited his accomplishments in scaling his business to the approach of assembling a team of Executive Recruiters, many of whom were new to the position. He helped them recognize their strengths and coached them on how to reach their fullest potential. “Overtime, what I realized was the entire enterprise value of any recruiting organization was focused around its people.” He added, “What really was valuable were the team members that were working day in day out and we got there through being able to spot talent and people who have a lot of potential.”

With his extensive experience both as an entrepreneur and recruiter, Adelman observed the impact of LinkedIn on recruitment firms and the hiring process. He noted that technology, including LinkedIn makes it easier for companies to find good candidates and for people to find job postings. Adelman emphasis despite technological advancements in sourcing applicants, direct communication with potential employers will still be essential in the hiring process. “At the end of the day, people are going to work with people not technology.”

As a business coach to top executives, founders, and entrepreneurs, Adelman advises the importance of long-term planning, learning to delegate tasks, improve time management skills, and saying no when needed. He also stresses the importance of strategic time blocking which helps leaders and new entrepreneurs create value and take time to reflect on their work. Adelman clarified, “It is really important to specifically block off the time when you’re only engaging in thinking about business. Sometimes when you’re blocked off from all the other activities and just thinking how can I strategically grow business.” He emphasized, “If you don’t block off time to do it, you will never find time to do it.”

When asked about finding a new job and navigating the online job market, Adelman suggest on starting with the people you already know. “The number one place to start is with people who already know you. People who know your name, people who already have your number on their phone. Those are the people who are most likely going to connect you with your next job.”

Listen to the full episode: Podbean, Apple Podcast, YouTube Podcast, Spotify.

By Patthara Chandaragga