UX/UI Design & Development, M.A. Blog

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MoleTech; an innovative early detector for Melanoma by Afnan Alhowaish

May 13, 2020

Website | LinkedIn | Thesis Doc | Presentation Doc | Design Doc | Demo1 | Demo2


A user-friendly platform where patients can take photos of certain lesions on their own body and send it to this platform. Then the platform pairs this lesion to a board certified dermatologist who will give feedback about your lesion.

Usually they will give you one of three options:
1) reassurance: the lesion looks benign
2) recommend seeing a board-certified dermatologist
3) Observe

Bio :

I’m Afnan from Saudi Arabia. I’m a UX/UI master degree candidate at New York Institute of Technology. I joined the program after completing my bachelor degree in graphic design at the same school. Art and technology have always been my passion. My plan is to start my career back home after my graduation.

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