Spotlight on Urban Design
This blog is maintained by the Architecture, Urban, and Regional Design, M.S. program. Contact grad.arch@nyit.edu for more information.
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Student Spotlight: Ankita Gupta

Ankita Gupta
MAURD Graduate Student
Ankita is an architect with a background in Landscape Architecture. After having worked as a landscape architect in India and Singapore, she decided to pursue a second Master Degree at the NYIT MAURD program to focus on the design of resilient cities. Her first Master Degree was in Landscape Urbanism from the Architectural Association (AA), London, England.
Internship at Regional Plan Association
During her second semester in the MAURD program, Ankita is interning at Regional Plan Association (RPA), at their New York City headquarters. RPA conducts regional and national research, advocacy and planning on open space, environmental sustainability, transportation, economic development and governance. Ankita works for the Director for Urban Design at RPA, who is devoted to improving the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut metropolitan region livability through research and place-based planning and design interventions.
Ankita’s Role
Through this internship, Ankita is developing and designing the green infrastructure section of the Community Design Manual which was created to assist local leaders, civic groups and other community stakeholders to meet the challenges of managing growth and development, mitigating impacts of climate change, and improving regional transportation.

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