Spotlight on Urban Design

This blog is maintained by the Architecture, Urban, and Regional Design, M.S. program. Contact for more information.

School of Architecture to Participate in NYC DDC's innovative "Town and Gown" Program

Dec 21, 2011

NYIT is the first School of Architecture to Participate in NYC DDC's innovative "Town and Gown" program

The graduate program in Urban and Regional Design completed a project for Town + Gown entitled, "What Color is Mixed Use on a Land Use Map?" Town + Gown is in the New York City Department of Design and Construction and directed by Terri Matthews.

"Town + Gown is a systematic action research program aimed at collectively increasing applied built environmental research, information transfer and understanding. Town + gown marshals and coordinates research and academic institutions with programs of study overlapping the Built Environmental disciplines: Management, Economics, Law, Technology and Design." This was the first project executed by a school of architecture and published in the annual Building Ideas: Systemic Action Research in the Built Environment, Volume Two 2010-11.

The project was completed by ten graduate students in the course Issues of Practice with Professor Michael Schwartig. "This project is the foundation for an exploration of how a city’s traditional land use map might be transformed to relate better to contemporary planning and urban design theories and be more useful as a tool."