Spotlight on Urban Design

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NYC Net-Zero District Symposium - December 2019

Dec 23, 2019

A high-profile Net-Zero symposium was held on 10 December 2019 with an audience of over 200, led by Program Director Jeffrey Raven. At the symposium, we were joined by Ambassador Markus Börlin, Consul General of Switzerland in New
York. The Swiss government provided support to the net-zero events. International experts, including Swiss-based net-zero experts joined the panel discussion.

Welcoming Remarks and Introductions:

Jeffrey Raven, FAIA, LEED AP BD+C, Principal, RAVEN A+U – Architecture + Urban Design LLC, Director, Graduate Program in Urban + Regional Design | Associate Professor New York Institute of Technology, Co-Chair, Planning and Urban Design Committee, AIA New York Chapter

Anne Shellum, Mechanical Engineer, Cities Group at BuroHappold Engineering, Co-Chair, Committee on the Environment, AIA New York Chapter Ambassador Markus Börlin, Consul General of Switzerland in New York

Sector Opportunities:

Ursula Ecker, Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Communities and Cities, Concordia University

Gregory J. Haley, AIA, AICP, LEED AP, Associate Principal, Grimshaw

Joshua Foss, Founder & CEO, Regensia

Panel Discussion: Net Zero Carbon District Prototype | Global Best Practices

Martha Sickles, AICP, LEED AP, Principal, Urbecon

Dr. Jimeno A. Fonseca, Senior Researcher, Singapore ETH-Centre, ETH Zurich

Eric McClure, Brooklyn Community Board 6, Transportation Committee Chair

Dr. Pieter J. Fourie, Project Leader, Engaging Mobility, Responsive Cities, Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore ETH-Centre, ETH Zurich

Clare Miflin, Founder, Thinkwoven, Co-Chair, Committee on the Environment, AIA New York Chapter

Markus Hurschler, Co-founder and Managing Director, Foodways


Stefan Knust, AIA, LEED AP, WELL AP, CPHC, Senior Associate, Director of Sustainability, Ennead Architects


David Driskell, Board Member, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, Deputy Director of Planning and Community Development, City of Seattle