Spotlight on Urban Design

This blog is maintained by the Architecture, Urban, and Regional Design, M.S. program. Contact for more information.


Nov 19, 2020

Professor Michael Schwarting is the president of the Aluminaire House Foundation that has saved the 1931 Aluminarie House since 1987 and rebuilt it on the Central Islip Campus of NYIT by architecture students until the Campus was closed in 2005. The Foundation has donated the house to the Palm Spring Art Museum in June 2020 where it will be rebuilt as part of the Museum’s collection. Campani and Schwarting Architects will head the reconstruction at the California Museum.

An article; ‘Thoughts about Collage City’ will be published in an issue of the Italian architectural journal ‘Abitacolo’ dedicated to ‘Relative Identities and Plural Horizons - Multiple Identities of Cities and their Complexity” in November 2020.

An article “Rome: Urban Formation and Transformation” that was a lecture given in Rome, is scheduled for publication in a book of essays “Urban Design Legacy of Colin Rowe” by AR+D Publishing this winter.

An article; ‘Thoughts about Collage City’ will be published in an issue of the Italian architectural journal ‘Abitacolo’ dedicated to ‘Relative Identities and Plural Horizons - Multiple Identities of Cities and their Complexity” in November 2020.

An article “Rome: Urban Formation and Transformation” that was a lecture given in Rome, is scheduled for publication in a book of essays “Urban Design Legacy of Colin Rowe” by AR+D Publishing this winter.