Spotlight on Urban Design

This blog is maintained by the Architecture, Urban, and Regional Design, M.S. program. Contact for more information.


Dec 11, 2020

In Fall 2020, MS.AURD Students - Junior Cohort in the Arch701 Urban and Regional Design Studio I (Prof. Tom Verebes)  were part of the “DECODING Spaces'' Workshop conducted by the CITY INTELLIGENCE LAB part of the Austrian Institute of Technology. DeCodingSpaces Toolbox is a collection of analytical and generative components for algorithmic architectural and urban planning. 

The City Intelligence Lab (CIL) is an interactive digital platform to explore novel forms and techniques for the urban development practice of the future. As an incubator for intelligent solutions, the lab fosters the co-creation of digital urban planning workflows and processes, applying augmented reality and interactive design interfaces to create simulations, generative design and artificial intelligence solutions. The CIL is part of the Digital Resilient Cities Competence Unit anchored in the Center for Energy of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. It enables the use of complex data for crucial urban planning decisions and allows new planning experiences through the use of AI, e.g for rapid urban planning prototypes, addressing citizens, city authorities, real estate developers as well as all sorts of urban practitioners.