Spotlight on Urban Design

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Climate Change in NYC: Bridging Science and Practice

Jun 08, 2017

Presenting at the AIA Center for Architecture, Jeffrey Raven (Director and Associate Professor of NYIT’s Graduate Urban and Regional Design program) co-organized a panel including Susan Desroches (Deputy Director, Infrastructure Policy, NYC Office for Recovery and Resiliency), Cynthia Rosenzweig (Senior Research Scientist, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies), and Signe Nielsen (Principal, Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects) to discuss the ways of mitigating the impact of climate change in New York City. The panel drew from Dr. Rosenzweig and Prof. Raven’s collaboration on the publication Climate Change and Cities (Cambridge University Press, 2018) and the work by Susan Desroches and Signe Nielsen on the Climate Resiliency Design Guideline (NYC Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency).The presentations and panel focused on evidence-based strategies to plan and design urban projects in the context of a changing climate. The panel discussed methods to bridge between climate science and urban design as a key to configuring sustainable and resilient urban districts.

The AIA Center for Architecture provides footage of the pane’ and the Fall 2017 Oculus publication presents highlights from the session.