Spotlight on Education
Welcome to Spotlight on Education, celebrating teaching and learning and featuring news, events, student work, and faculty from the education division of NYIT School of Interdisciplinary Studies and Education. Contact myildiz@nyit.edu for more information.
Long Island’s 1st Annual Computer Science and Computational Thinking Conference

At this day-long conference, educators in Long Island will come together to learn
about the upcoming NYS Computer Science K-12 standards and share information
about best practices and best instructional resources for teaching Computer Science
and Computational Thinking in three grade strands: K-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
● Keynote by Dr. Michael P. Nagler, Supt. of Mineola Schools
● Panel discussion on Computational Thinking
● Breakout sessions designed for each grade strand
● Demonstrations of new instructional resources for Computer Science
● Hands-on Playground/Computer Science EdCamp
● Participants may earn 6 CTLE hours with completed reflection work
Date/Time: Monday, July 1, 2019, 8:00-3:30
Location: NYIT de Seversky Mansion, 1 Northern Blvd, Glen Head
Cost: $30.00 (covers breakfast, lunch, dessert bar, and takeaways)
Registration (copy and paste link into your browser) :
Questions? Ask Carol Weintraub, intercountytc@gmail.com

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