Architecture Computational Technologies
Explore design research at the frontiers of architecture through experimentation in computational design, robotic systems applied to fabrication and interactivity, and materiality. For more information please contact
ARCH 702B Computational Design Studio 2: Fabrication and Robotics Prof. Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa Midterm
MS ACT S2022
ARCH 702B Computational Design Studio 2: Fabrication and Robotics
Prof. Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa Midterm Review
Students Presentation Order in Midterm Review Video: Farah Jalil, Yousef Ismail, Salma Kattass, Kavya Sista
Midterm Review Invited Guest Critics: Fred Levrat, Tom Verebes, David Diamond, Marcella del Signore, Nishan Kazazian, Nelson Montas Lacurente
The ARCH 702B Studio Syllabus aims at researching informational flows between algorithms, Machine Learning, Structural simulation and optimization and Robotically informed fabrication, understanding continuity and non linear feedback between computational design and informed fabrication.
Students started by developing analog models based on the work of engineers and architects that developed methodologies for form finding architectural models in relation to structural performance, including but not limited to Gaudi, Brunel, Fuller, Ricolais, Otto, Dieste, and others.
The studio is working with several computational and robotic technologies understanding form as structure, including the range of emergent conditions that arise from fabrication. Although students are working with simulation, optimization and ML, the studio aims at unmotivating drawing-modeling and activate design through fabrication, avoiding any translation between representational modes and understanding performance in the object of study.
Students are at the moment working on scaled prototypes understanding structural forces in architectural typologies and optimizing 3d printing models, will then proceed to activate feedback loops through and personalized technology workflow activating AI ML, to transition into full scale prototypes in the Summer of 2022 during their last term in the program.
YouTube Video of the Midterm Review Students Presentations and Discussion
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