Community Impact Blog
Ongoing updates, events, and insider’s look at New York Tech’s community work and experiential education projects.
Build career skills while serving the public good
Consultants for the Public Good connects New York Tech students, alumni, faculty, and staff with non-profit organizations that offer engaging, skill-based volunteer opportunities.
A consultancy team is headed by a lead consultant who serves as the liaison with the community partner. Multiple teams can work on different projects onsite or remotely. All participants are continually supported by Experiential Education staff.
Why should you sign up?
Consultants for the Public Good is designed to foster people skills essential to the workplace, including cross-cultural competency, social intelligence, as well as novel and adaptive thinking:
- Students enjoy Consultants for the Public Good because it offers them a unique chance to build a professional portfolio early on. International students can put their skills into action without any type of work authorization
- Faculty and staff get the chance to interact with students and colleagues outside of their classrooms or offices through community-based research and project-based learning.
- Alumni can grow their off-campus networks while staying connected to New York Tech.
Previous Projects
In the summer of 2019, a team of New York Tech students and alumni created a video introducing what the Brooklyn Fashion Incubator does, its goals and program participants to incentivize fundraising activities:
In December 2019, a team of international and domestic students, with mentorship of a faculty member, produced a video advertising the #IAmWithYou Campaign raising awareness for the millions of young people around the world suffering from depression, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts that can accompany them:
The Artists Forum Festival of the Moving Image is a platform for filmmakers from around the world to share their stories with New York City’s creative, media, and film communities. In December 2019, a team of international and domestic students helped with registration, photography, and video recording of the event:

More Posts
All PostsDec 15, 2020
Consultant Spotlight: Luning Chen
Nov 18, 2020
November Newsletter: Your one-stop shop for traditional and skill-based service opportunities
Jul 02, 2020
Ready for Takeoff Thanks You!
Jun 04, 2020