Stop, Look, Think: Your Three Step Guide to Cybersecurity

Oct 05, 2023

1. Stop: Pause Before You Click

The first step in the "Stop, Look, Think" approach is to pause before you act. Cybercriminals often rely on impulsive actions to exploit vulnerabilities. Whether it's clicking on a suspicious link, downloading a seemingly harmless attachment, or sharing sensitive information, taking a moment to stop and consider the potential risks can save you from falling victim to cyberattacks.

Before clicking on a link or opening an email attachment, ask yourself:

  • Do I know the sender?
  • Is the message unsolicited?
  • Does the message contain grammatical errors or unusual requests?

2. Look: Scrutinize for Signs of Suspicion

Once you've paused, it's time to look closely at the information or message in question. Cybercriminals employ various tactics to deceive their targets, including phishing emails, fake websites, and social engineering. Scrutinize the following elements:

  • Email sender's address: Verify if it matches the official domain.
  • URL: Hover your mouse over links to preview the actual destination.
  • Attachments: Ensure they're from trusted sources and free of malware.
  • Requests for personal information: Be cautious when asked for sensitive data.

3. Think: Analyze the Consequences

The final step is to think critically about the potential consequences of your actions. Consider the implications of clicking that link or sharing sensitive information. If something seems off or too good to be true, it probably is.

Remember, cybersecurity is everyone's responsibility. By implementing the "Stop, Look, Think" approach, you can become a more resilient and aware digital citizen. Share this mantra with members of the New York Tech community, friends, and family to help create a safer online environment for all. In an age of constant connectivity, taking these simple steps can make a significant difference in safeguarding your digital life, and helping to keep you cyber-safe.