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Time Management While Learning Virtually
Virtual learning is new for many of us. While it can be a wonderful and convenient method of learning, we may have realized that it is easier to lose focus. Managing our time is now more important than ever, and virtual learning requires a different approach to time management than when we were attending in-person classes.
Tips for managing time during virtual learning:
Work in advance of deadlines.
Learning and working outside of the classroom creates an increased opportunity for procrastination. Avoid falling into that trap! We don’t want to rush through course material the night before an exam, or delay assignments until the day they are due. Each day, set aside some time dedicated to completing assignments or reviewing the day’s work.
Set goals and incentives.
To help establish a school/life balance, set goals which you would like to complete daily and weekly. Use a calendar or journal to keep track of these goals.
To avoid burnout, it’s also important to reward yourself after a job well done or once you reach a personal goal. Do so by treating yourself with something you enjoy eating, or watching a favorite movie or TV show.
Create a dedicated study space.
Learning and working outside of the traditional classroom can provide added flexibility, but it comes with challenges. Although it can be tempting to write that essay from the comfort of your couch, it is important to have a dedicated learning space. Be sure to find a quiet spot that doesn’t provide any unnecessary distractions.
Make a schedule/study plan.
Creating a schedule will help you to keep up with your classes, and to complete your assignments in a timely manner. Try working for 30 minutes, then take a five-minute break to grab a coffee, check emails, or get some fresh air. Once you’ve completed four work sessions, treat yourself to a longer break. Planning our time in blocks and building in breaks will help us to be more productive in the long run.
Eliminate distractions.
Resist the urge to multitask, and turn off your cell phone and television. Reducing any distractions around you will help you to optimize your time. Also, try to focus on one assignment at a time. Arrange your tasks in order of importance, and focus first on the three or four crucial tasks that require the most effort.
As always, remember that we are all in this together! We can all benefit from these time management tips, to make the most of our new virtual world.
By: Narissa Kawal, Career Ambassador, Career Services
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