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6 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Work / Life Balance

Jun 07, 2017

6 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Work/Life Balance

Balancing the demands of your career can be a difficult task.  The best thing to do is prioritize and maintain a realistic mindset.  Here are 6 ways to maintaining a healthy work/life balance.
You’re constantly checking your phone for texts, emails from work, and looking at social media updates.  You reply, forward emails, comment on your friend’s Facebook page.  At some point, one swipe of the phone to check your inbox can turn into 20 minutes of browsing through Twitter and Instagram.

  1. Turn Off Your Phone

One way to maintain balance is to unplug from this technology.  Even if it’s just for 10 minutes, it’ll give you some time to recharge and focus.  If you can do it for 10 minutes, try it for 20 minutes.

That text, email, or social media post can wait.
Some people find it difficult to fit exercising into their schedule (or they find an excuse not to).  However, the overwhelming evidence on the health benefits of exercise makes it an essential activity to fit into your schedule.  Here are some ways you can get out and get moving if you’re searching for ideas:
Eating healthy takes a lot of discipline and effort as you try to figure out what to eat, getting a combination of protein and vegetables, and developing good habits during meal times.

  1. Exercise
  • Join a gym. Some companies have gyms onsite or have arrangements with local gyms at a discount.  Check with your human resources department for these opportunities.
  • Join a league. This is great for anyone looking to recapture some of their team sports days or if you just want to try a new sport.  You can join with some friends or coworkers or make new friends as a free agent.  Organizations like Zogsports offer a social sports community that is popular amongst working professionals.
  • Take a class. If you’re not into the gym or joining a league, you can always take a class like yoga, boxing, or CrossFit, where you can focus on a specific type of fitness and health that is right for you.
  • Go for a run. Still arguably the most popular and easiest way to get your exercise because…
    • It doesn’t take a long. Running for about 20 minutes is usually a good daily exercise.
    • You don’t need a lot of equipment besides your running shoes.
    • You don’t need a team or other people, although it can be nice to run with friends.
    • You can do it anywhere. Run on a track, near your house, or run to and from work.
  1. Avoid Junk Food at Work

In some cases, it may be easier to just avoid junk food.  When your day is full of meetings and you need to finish that report by 5pm, it may be a challenge to eat something that isn’t fast food or a bag of chips.

Here are a few alternatives to your junk food options at work:

People sometimes misconstrue eating healthy to not eating at all.  You don’t have to stop eating: you can still snack and it’s often encouraged to eat smaller, lighter meals.  Cutting out junk food will lead you to feeling healthier and having more energy for the workday.
Make sure you’re spending time with family and friends when you’re not at work.  We often forget about loved ones as we get caught up our professional lives.  Hang out with friends after work or on the weekend or give your parents a call to see how they’re doing.  Being able to balance your work and personal life involves bringing people into it as well.
You’re with your coworkers for 40+ hours a week.  Days and weeks can feel long when the office culture and environment is cold and impersonal.  Spend some time finding out more about them.  You don’t have to be nosey or imposing, but exchanging pleasantries, asking if they had a good weekend, or the occasional lunch outing can go a long way in maintaining a positive work environment.

  1. Make Time for Family and Friends
  1. Talk to Your Coworkers

As you’re reading this post, one thought that probably came to your mind is, “I don’t have time for any of this.”  Creating a schedule provides the structure that is needed to balance your work and personal life.

  1. Create a Schedule

For example, you can fit exercise in before work, during lunch, or right when you get off.  It may take a little sacrificing such as waking up early, eating your lunch at your desk, or skipping social plans after work, but it can be done.

Keeping a calendar or blocking off time for meetings at work can also be done in your personal life too.  Create a monthly schedule of events for you and your family to make sure you’re spending time or doing activities together.  Add a monthly poker game or book club meeting with friends.  After a while, the events or activities become a staple within your lifestyle that’s just as important (if not more) as any work event or meeting


Maintaining a healthy work/life balance can lead to a more fulfilling lifestyle and can help you to be more productive at work and be happier overall.  At the end of the day, it’s important to remember to take the time and focus on yourself and your well-being.